Why subscribe?
The Everyone’s Invited newsletter is manifestation of our passion for our community. Here we will update our audience on everything going on at the organisation.
Everyone's Invited is a safe place for survivors to share their stories completely anonymously.
The act of sharing their story with Everyone's Invited allows many survivors a sense of relief, catharsis, empowerment, and gives them a feeling of community and hope.
Everyone’s Invited’s mission is to expose and eradicate rape culture with empathy, compassion, and understanding. We are a safe place for all survivors, regardless of identified gender or orientation to share their stories completely anonymously.
Conversations with friends and personal experience throughout school and university revealed to founder Soma Sara how widespread the issue is and she began sharing her experiences of rape culture on Instagram. In light of the overwhelming response from those that resonated with her story, Soma founded Everyone’s Invited in June 2020 (it later gained charitable status in 2022). Through the publication of submissions, we have sparked a conversation about rape culture with millions of people.
What is rape culture?
When attitudes, behaviours and beliefs in society have the effect of normalising and trivialising sexual violence. This culture includes misogyny, rape jokes, sexual harassment, online sexual abuse (upskirting, non-consensual sharing of intimate photos, cyberflashing), and sexual coercion. When behaviours such as these are normalised this can act as a gateway to more extreme acts such as sexual assault and rape.
Learn more over at Rape Crisis.
The below statistics highlight the prevalence of rape culture in our society.